20th November 2018
Yesterday afternoon we left Blenheim for the Nelson Lakes where, 6 years ago, we just had a brief stop at Lake Rotoroa and a shortish walk of 1 hour 30 mins around the Peninsula at Lake Rotoiti, being driven out by the notorious sandflies which were driving us crazy. This time we're hoping that the wind and incoming cold will keep them at bay. We were amazed how much spread there has been of vineyards along the Wairau Valley compared with when we were here last. Not many cattle and sheep to be seen any more. I guess we are all drinking more wine and eating less red meat!
Coming close to the Nelson Lakes and St Arnaud's we stopped for a coffee at the little Kauri Scenic Reserve DOC site with the temperature seeming to do a nosedive with some accompanying hail and sleet.
There was snow to be seen on the hills for the rest of the trip. At least we have a heater while we are travelling! But not if we are parked unless we are connected to electricity.
At the quaint little settlement of St Arnauds where you can buy necessities and takeaways we parked at the POP behind the Clinker Cafe - $6 a night - and we were the only ones there apart from a little car which came later with a young couple in it. They sort of hid out of sight beside us and goodness knows how comfortable they would have been!
Ready for bed! |
It was a freezing cold night at 1° and we had many layers of clothes as well as woolly hats on before going to bed where I needed my hot water bottle and socks. At least our bedding is cosy. It was very difficult to rise this morning with the temperature at 4° inside the bus although the sun was trying to shine through. Our neighbours moved off early however.
After breakfast we started to warm up with the nice unexpected sunshine and drove down to Lake Rotoiti to do the 1.5 hour Loop walk. To go around the lake itself would take 7-9 hours. After completing most of the Loop we extended the walk by going along the lakeside to Rata Bay
Woohoo- no sandflies! |
I'm sure it's this way |
then back to Kerr Bay where we started from. Altogether it took us about 2.5 hours - a good length for us these days.
After a BLAT lunch rather than doing another walk we decided to complete this blog and chill out by the lake which was literally what happened - the rain came, the temperature dropped from 14° to 4° in half an hour and the rain almost turned to sleet with snow settling quite low on the surrounding hills - brrrrrrrr - freezing!!!
Out with extra layers and hats and back to our same camp spot behind the café in time to watch The Chase. This time another motorhome has parked on the other side of the gravel carpark. Too cold to go and say hello. At least the sandflies are scarce!
It was another freezing cold night with the inside temperature of the bus going down to 2°. We must be getting very hardy! Very hard to get up in the morning though even with a blue sky and the sun shining beautifully.
After breakfast we drove to Lake Rotoroa to do another walk.
Leaving Rotoiti |
Beautiful Rotoroa |
The lake was so picturesque with the surrounding hills topped with snow. We parked in the main carpark and walked back across the bridge and up the gravel road to the start of the Braeburn Walk which goes up through through lovely beech and podocarp forest to a narrow but reasonably high waterfall and returns via a circular route - just under 2 hours from the carpark.
Top up there, bottom down there |
It was a bit muddy and slippery in the odd place because of the rain we have had but an enjoyable walk nonetheless.
From there we drove on to the Motueka Valley where we stayed the night in the large McLeans Recreation Reserve by the river.
Relaxing at McLeans. |
Fortunately it was in the process of being mowed as the grass had been very long beforehand. Apparently the toilet there is disgusting, if you can even find it, which we didn't. However it would explain why there was evidence of toilet paper etc in the long grass, some of it chewed up by the mower. The river itself is beautiful with very clear water and Len is getting the urge to get his fishing licence so he can bring home the dinner again.
I haven't had any Internet or cellphone coverage for the last 3 days so, for that reason, it will be good to get to Motueka.